18 days left till departure. That’s closer than it may seem!
Preparation stage of Expedition Maya trip is in its peak days. Let’s have a look on what has been keeping the adventurers busy since the last Taco meeting #3 (May 14th):
Broadening the perspectivesIn last couple of weeks the expeditioners met several fellow travellers, who provided them with valuable recommendations, warnings, and various observations directly from the South American destinations. Sincere thanks go especially to Martin Rey, Paja Beckova and Edu Miranda.
Madonarra, Paja, Edu, Miguel
ShoppingAlthough most of the necessary equipment is already available from Fatal trip and/or Czars Reunited, some items had to be bought again – particularly sleeping bags and garments.
Miguel and El Fredovito swamped with sleeping bags
VaccinationThe last vaccination shot against the rabies is still missing, and scheduled for July 1st. Another vaccination has either been already done (yellow fever, first 2 rabies shots) or doesn’t have to be revaccinated yet (hepatitis A+B, typhus, meningitis A+C).
Don Madonarra concentrating on his yellow fever shot
School engagements All voyagers managed to acquire their university degree - Miguel Hudeiro, MSc. (June 8th), Don Madonarra, MSc. (June 10th) and El Fredovito, MSc. (June 14th)! Now they can fully focus on the expedition.
The Maya crew celebrating on the subway platform
Monitoring the situation online Another source of information on the dynamically developing, politically not very stable, yet very touristy region of South America is internet. Naturally, positive (Peru, Colombia…) as well as negative (politics, safety) news are found. Hard to sort out.
El Fredovito browsing the web for some more useful information
Bye-bye party
Legendary barbecue pool party is taking place tomorrow, on Thursday June 17th, in the garden of El Fredovito’s hacienda. Let’s use this occasion to have fun and say bye to the Maya crew. It’s going to be long 4 months since then till the Maya trip will finish (October 17th).
The Maya crew in their new Maya shirts!
Despite all this preparation, the task list is still rather full. Get insurance, exchange money, follow up on the development project engagement, obtain bank cheques, finalize the equipment list, meet some more people and many more things to handle. The next and the last Taco meeting is planned for this Monday June 21st already.
May the Maya be with you! :)
1 comment:
hezke fotky z pripravy, jen co je pravda :)
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