11th December 2009, Prague. The city is filled with Christmas atmosphere and everyone is in expectation of upcoming feast days, and the New year. It was not a coincidence that El Fredovito, Miguel Hudeiro and Don Madonarra got together in a cosy hacienda in Prague satellite on this special day. They had a serious business to cope with... they came to debate over another thrilling adventure!
The destination of the next trip, codename Expedition Maya, is going to be Central and South America.
Main outcomes of the meeting are:
1. preparing and consuming delicious Latino dinner
2. coming up with the codename of the trip
3. discussing preferences regarding countries to visit
4. creating the budget
5. setting up the blog
6. taking some arranged photos
Many aspects have been discussed, but many other ones are still to be considered. The preparations are at their very beginning!
Let's wish good luck to our Latino crew & stay tuned for further updates!
May the Maya be with you! :)
Colour dots express individual preference for visiting respective countries: blue ~ El Fredovito, green ~ Miguel Hudeiro, purple ~ Don Madonarra, orange ~ mutual interest, but may possibly interfere with scope of the trip.